Social Enterprise Alliance




About Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise Hangi was founded in November 2016 after winning “competition of ideas for creating Social Enterprises.” The SE is retraining-employment center and its beneficiaries are socially vulnerable people and people with disabilities.

Mission of Social Enterprise

The SE aims at retraining and improving qualifications of people with disabilities and in this way ensure their employment. It will facilitate self-realization and integration in society of disabled people and improve their psycho-social and economic conditions.

Goal of Social Enterprise

SE aims at facilitating improvement of psycho-social rehabilitation and economic conditions of people with disabilities through retraining and employing them at their Social Enterprise.

Product/Service of Social Enterprise


  • Women and men’s clothes
  • Ceremonial and ritual clothes
  • Baby clothes and accessories
  • Uniforms and accessories for hospital and hotel chains
  • School uniforms
  • T-shirts


  • Printing on T-shirts and Uniforms
  • Sewing ornaments on clothes, uniforms and caps
  • Printing cultural heritages on t-shirts

Social Results

The SE retrained 56 beneficiaries for free.  8 beneficiaries were employed at SE, Others became more competitive on job market.

Contact Information

Contact Information