Youth Social Entrepreneurship Fest
Social Enterprise Alliange is organizing Youth Social Entrepreneurship Festival, which is funded by the Children and Youth Development Fund, operating under the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs.
Festival aims at promotion of Social Entrepreneurship concept by youth involvement/employment in sphere related issues.
Project aims:
- Empowernment of youth skills and knowledge in the sphere related issues;
- Raising awareness about the Social Entrepreneurship concept by organizing Festival in the cities such as Tbilisi, Signagi, Kutaisi, Poti and Batumi;
- Enhancement of Social Enterprises by raising up their economic activities. Under the frames of Festival, it will be organized product fares in the touristically active regions of Georgia ;
- Employment of youth by the rotation principles and envolvement of them into fares;
- Organizing seminars about the Social Entrepreneurship topic to give them theoretical knowledge.
For achieving these goals, under the frame of Youth Social Entrepreneurship Festival it will be organized Social Enterprise product fares in the cities such as Tbilisi, Signagi, Kutaisi, Poti and Batumi.
Festival will be full of joyful, entertaining and educational activities, where youth will be actively involved.
The project was implemented from September 8 to September 17, 2017.