Social Enterprise Alliance

Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable and Inclusive Society

Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable and Inclusive Society

23 Aug

Project Description
The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) with the financial support of the European Union and Bread for the world and with partner organizations is implementing a project “Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable and Inclusive Society”.

The project is a unique opportunity to address socio-economic challenges in society and protect fundamental human rights by creating a favourable environment for social entrepreneurship. The favourable ecosystem for SE will contribute also to sustainability and quality of social services, revitalization of remote areas of the country, increase access to education, preserve traditional culture, address environmental challenges etc.

Overall objective
To Create a favourable environment for social entrepreneurship

Specific objective(s):
Favourable legal environment for social entrepreneurship and social impact investment is promoted by engaging national and local governments in policy dialogue;
Concept of social purpose driven businesses and social entrepreneurship is widely promoted and supported by different sectors and society at large;
Sustainable development of social enterprises with strong regional focus is prom¬oted through increased access to tailored financial resources, effective technical assistance, and networking

Expected Results
A favourable legal environment for social entrepreneurship and social impact investment is created
Social purpose driven businesses and social entrepreneurship is widely promoted
National government acknowledges its supporting role in advancement of social purpose driven businesses and Impact Investment in Georgia
Municipal governments in Kakheti and Guria Regions have piloted mecha¬n¬isms to support SE development
Concept of SE is supported by different sectors and society at large;
Access to diversified finances for start-up and active SEs has increased;
Advanced, needs tailored enabling resources and support systems are available for active and start-up SEs throughout Georgia;

Target Groups:
- 100 Operating SEs; and 150 CSOs and initiative groups and individuals, interested in start-up SE;
- Legislative and Executive central government and local governments in two target regions
- 80 Business companies and financial institutions
- 2 regional universities
- Young people living in Tbilisi and Regions

36 months – 2021- 2024
1,142,971 EUR
The European Union
Bread for the World
Partner organizations
Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA), Civil Society Institute (CSI), European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), Georgian Civil Development Association (GCDA), Democratic Development Union of Georgia (DDUG), the LEPL Youth Agency.