New Mziuri
Mziuri cafe
About the Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise Mziuri’s cafe was founded in 2016 in the frameworks of N(N)LE “Mziani’s” program “New Mziuri”.
Social Enterprise comprises two spaces: Amphitheater in Mziuri and café.
Mission of Social Enterprise
Development of recreational areas and Mziuri park in Tbilisi.
Goal of Social Enterprise
- Conduct several educational and inclusive activities in Mziuri amphitheater for people of all ages;
- Adaptive space/cafe;
- Supporting the activities organized by young people.
Product/Service of Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise offers following services:
- Adaptive and inclusive Café in the city center;
- Catering services;
- Equipping activities with technical equipment;
- Inclusive space for any activities.
Social Results
Adaptive space for people with all kinds of disabilities:
- 12 people are employed at SE;
- Since opening the SE hosted up to 50000 visitors;
- Mziuri space hosted up to 40 educational activities;
- Youth organizations can use Mziuri’s space without charge.
Contact Information
- Email:
- TEL: +995577687575
- Address: Chavchavadze N23, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Facebook: